Booking Appointments
Diagnostic Imaging, Dietitian & Outpatient Clinics
Please contact the booking department directly at 613-253-3803 and leave a message. The booking clerk will call you back in a timely manner to book your appointment. The booking department hours are from 8 to 4, Monday to Friday.
Please call 613-257-2200 ext. 152
Please call 613-253-3822
Telemedicine Clinics
Please call 613-253-3821
You are required to register for the appointment. Please bring the following information with you:
Ontario Provincial Health (OHIP) card
Date of Birth
Address & Phone Number
Emergency Contact and Contact Information
Next of Kin and Contact Information
Family Doctor
Requisition Form (if you have one)
If your appointment is related to a work place incident, please bring any Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) information with you.
If you have additional health care insurance, it would be helpful if you could supply us with your group benefit and policy number.